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Changing from GMO to Non-GMO Natural Soy Animal Feed: Farmers See Big Difference

with 9 comments

“Pilegaarden” (Willow Farm)

Changing from GMO to Non-GMO Natural Soy, Experiences from Denmark

Institute of Science in Society   Sept 10, 2014

Healthier, more productive pigs, more profit, and much less birth deformities; an important lesson for all farmers not to use GMO feed or glyphosate on their land

By Borup Pederson  Based on invited lecture at the 1st Forum of Development and Environmental Safety,
25 – 26 July 2014, Beijing
My farm “Pilegaarden” (Willow Farm) is an average Danish farm in the small village of Hvidsten. Our pigs are raised accordingly to United Kingdom regulations for pig housing, and exported to the UK for consumption. Inside the pig farm is a straw-based system for the sows as well as a standard farrowing house.

I had read about the effects that GM feed has on rats in lab experiments (see [1] GM Soya Fed Rats: Stunted, Dead, or Sterile, SiS 33), so I decided to change the feed from GM to non-GM soy in April 2011 without telling the herdsman on the farm. Two days afterwards, he said to me: “You have changed the food.” He always notices whenever there is any problem with the feed and tells me. This time was different. Something very good was happening with the food as the pigs were not getting diarrhoea any more. The farm was saving 2/3 of the medicine or £7.88 per sow; not just my farm but three other farms in Denmark that switched from GMO to non GMO feed have also seen the same. Medication after the changeover in the weaners barn also went down dramatically by 66 %, with one type of antibiotics not being used since.

The sows have higher milk production; we can tell because the sows are suckling 1, 2 or 3 more piglets and have more live born pigs, on average 1.8 piglets more per sow. They wean 1,8 pigs more pr. litter, and have more live born pigs. We have seen a certain aggressive diarrhoea disappear altogether that affected young piglets in the first week of life, killing up to 30 % of the pigs. It has completely gone for over 3 years. Sows no longer suffer from bloating or ulcers and they also live longer in high production, only dropping in effectivity after 8 layers compared to 6 on GM soy.

So, a change to non-GM soy makes the herd easier to manage, improves the health of the herd, reduces medicine usage, increases production and is very profitable.

Severe birth deformities in piglets

Deformities in the pigs used to be very rare and I used to be proud to send Siamese twins to schools for classes because it would only happen one in a million. But then they became too frequent. So I read a lot on the subject and my suspicion fell on glyphosate. I read how glyphosate had been shown in scientific studies (see [2] Lab Study Establishes Glyphosate Link to Birth Defects, ISiS 48, [3]) to cause deformities and noted it was the same type of deformities that I was seeing in my pigs…   read more here

Written by laudyms

September 10, 2014 at 6:17 am

9 Responses

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  1. Reblogged this on litlangelkins and commented:
    It affects people and animals alike! We need to get it out of our foods already!


    September 10, 2014 at 5:55 pm

  2. Reblogged this on waltertraxel.


    September 10, 2014 at 7:14 pm

  3. Reblogged this on World Organic News and commented:
    More evidence!


    September 11, 2014 at 12:20 am

  4. I think we’re in a famine……

    Elizabeth Sollazzo

    September 11, 2014 at 3:33 am

  5. I certainly appreciate all the attention this article is getting and encourage all to subscribe to the Institute of Science in Society site- they are a great source of reliable science about GMO hazards.



    September 11, 2014 at 5:05 pm

  6. This probably sounds like a stupid question but, why is GMO in our food and our animals food to begin with?


    September 11, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    • Greed by Monsanto, plain & simple…..


      September 12, 2014 at 3:53 am

    • Monsanto has a revolving door with the US Dept of Ag, has well-funded lobbyists handing out cash to Congress, and has infiltrated many universities via donations and etc. The CorpState cares for profit, not people.

      People need to fight back by paying attention and holding government accountable. GMO labeling is a very good start!


      September 12, 2014 at 8:09 am

  7. If it has that effect on animals, it must be affecting humans also. Good to highlight this.


    September 12, 2014 at 12:14 pm

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