Wake-up Call

Resist the Corporate State

Archive for July 2015

New Study Shows GMO Soy Accumulates Cancer Causing Chemical Formaldehyde

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Food Democracy Now

New Peer Reviewed Study Shatters Myth of Substantial Equivalence and GMO Safety

From the National Press Club earlier this week, an independent scientist with four degrees from MIT, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai released the results of groundbreaking new research that proves the FDA’s current legal construct of “substantial equivalence”, which allows new GMO crops to be approved without proper safety tests, is seriously outdated, unscientific and a fraud when it comes to assessing the safety of GMO foods.

Utilizing modern tools, Dr. Ayyadurai’s team has conducted the first of its kind systems biology analysis of more than 11,597 published peer reviewed scientific papers and found that the process of genetic engineering creates significant cellular disruption in GMO plants.

According to the new research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Agricultural Sciences, the process of genetic engineering creates significant disruptions to basic cellular functions in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO soybeans.

The new research found:

  • The process of genetic engineering introduces oxidative stress or system shock in GMO soybean plants.
  • This stress creates a metabolic disturbance in the plant’s normal cellular functions, including the plant’s ability to rid itself of harmful toxins.
  • This results in an alarming rise in the accumulation of Formaldehyde, a known class 1 carcinogen
  • and a significant depletion of Glutathione, a master antioxidant responsible for cellular detoxification and necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system.

This new research is alarming and raises serious questions for everyone who eats regarding the safety of our food supply and the current regulations that block GMO labeling and rubber stamp the approval of new GMO food crops.

These findings shatter the myth that GMOs are “substantially equivalent” and show for the first time that significant damage is done at the cellular level to foods that have been genetically engineered through the process of transgenic insertion of foreign genes.

Therefore, we need an immediate ban on new GMO approvals until new safety standards and independent tests can be conducted.

Tell Congress and the FDA that GMOs are NOT the same as Non-GMOs – “substantial equivalence” is a fraud! It’s time to stop Monsanto’s corruption of science, democracy and our food supply – demand mandatory GMO labeling! Every voice counts!

Exposed: Monsanto’s Secret Trolling Department

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Anthony Gucciardi exposes Monsanto’s secret department that one Monsanto employee went on record in admitting actually exists to ‘discredit’ scientists who are against their GMOs.

Acting as sort of a PR wing for the company, the reality here is that Monsanto is desperate to ‘discredit’ any form of scientific opposition to their creations.

And looking even beyond GMOs, we now know that the World Health Organization and other organizations has been publicly outspoken against Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing Roundup (their #1 selling herbicide).

